Lisa Allen
Counselor • Lifelong Learner •
Lover of Books & Libraries • Textile Artist
My story
Creative expression saved me during childhood. As a teenager, my Rapidograph pen and spiral-bound sketchbooks were my safe zone. After effectively dropping out of high school simply because of a lack of parenting, I eventually earned a college degree while juggling motherhood and a job as a paraprofessional in a special needs classroom. It wasn’t easy and to be honest, I wasn’t sure of my direction. These years were long past when I learned about the ACE survey (Adverse Childhood Experiences), the impact of ACEs on one’s development, and resilience. It was then that I began to truly understand the life-giving power of knowing how to tap into one’s internal resources.
As a clinician, my goal is to help others identify their inherent strengths and talents so that they can achieve their best lives. Helping others move their lives forward is the ultimate goal.
When I’m not in the office I enjoy numerous activities that invite creative expression, including quilting, gardening, phone photography and writing. I teach an undergraduate psychology internship course and once a year I interview a bestselling author in front of a live audience at a New Hampshire library.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again. — Thomas Paine
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
— Dolly Parton
Favorite words
to live by
The wound is the place where the light enters you.
— Rumi, 1260
Yes, you can do it!
Change is possible at any age.
Reaching for your rainbow, whatever that may
look like. Whenever you are ready — it is never
too late. One step, one measurable
goal at a time. Let’s talk!